International Teaching Guide

Whether you are thinking about teaching abroad for the first time, or are a seasoned international educator, this page is for you.

First, grab my free Mini Guide to Teaching in International Schools with some important basics and a timeline for your job search.   

If you haven’t taught abroad before, check out this post about how to become an international school teacher.

Read stories from educators who have taught all over the world like Jonathan who taught science in Kuwait and Hannah who taught English in Colombia and Kenya.

Get an even broader perspective by listening to some of the best Podcasts about International Teaching.

If you want to teach abroad but can’t make commit to two years, check out this post about being a CIEE Program Leader during the summer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can become an international school teacher?  

Anyone can become an international teacher.  Many private language schools and government programs hire native English speakers with no experience.  This is a great way to decide if teaching internationally is the career path for you.  To be hired in a true international school, you generally need a university degree and a teaching license from your home country.

Am I too young/old?

There are international teachers of all ages and at all points in their careers.  Some schools do hire 22-year-olds who have just graduated.  Unfortunately, many countries will not give work visas for teachers over 55, so if this is you, make sure to check the local laws ahead of time.

What do I need to bring?

This depends on where you are going and how much the school is giving you for a baggage allowance.  If you can only bring a few suitcases, you probably won’t be able to bring many things for your classroom.  But if you have $1000 shipping allowance, you should make sure to bring your tried and true classroom supplies.  Here are some of my favorites for teaching and traveling.