Teacher Professional Development

woman podcasting

The best podcasts about teaching and living abroad

If you are a teacher at an international school, or considering getting into teaching abroad, listening to podcasts can be a great way to connect with other teachers! Hearing stories of classroom connections and thought-provoking

Clock next to computer

VIPKid teaching hours

One of the best reasons for teaching with VIPKid or another online English language company is that you can decide the hours you will work! Many people even fit these hours around a regular 9-5

teacher looking at chalkboard

How to Become an International School Teacher

Have you ever dreamed about teaching abroad? Wondering how to become a teacher in an international school? Maybe you want to teach diverse, motivated students. Maybe you want to make more money or maybe have

Newseum window

Why we must teach journalism and press freedom

Last year I visited the Newseum in Washington, D.C.; a museum about the news, dedicated to upholding the First Amendment, the right to free speech, press, petition, assembly, and religion. The museum started with a

Teaching working together in a library

World Language Professional Development for 2024

If you are a language teacher, one of the best ways to grow and improve your practice is through world language professional development. Most of what is offered is conferences that range from as little

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