Goals for Secondary Immersion Programs

As I prepared my review sheet for the final exam last week, I was struck by the fact that it can be a lot harder to measure what students are learning in a Spanish Language […]

Man watching webinar

National Geographic Educator Certification

For teachers, National Geographic has always been a great place to go for resources for social studies and science. Now they are offering a new opportunity for educators: National Geographic Educator Certification. This certification is

A colored map with a toy car and truck

Map Activities for Spanish and World Languages

If you’re a teacher you may think of maps as a Social Studies activity, or a tool to prepare for travel. In fact, if you’re a World Language teacher, there are so many reasons to

Lessons from La Cosecha Dual Language Conference

The highlight of my November was attending La Cosecha, the dual language (DL) conference in New Mexico.Ā Ā  It took place in Santa Fe in 2018 but will be in Albuquerque in 2019.Ā Ā If you teach in

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