Student Travel and Field Trips

A photo of a sign post with different European country names

What Surprises Americans Most About Europe

If you’re an American traveling to Europe and thinking “We’re not in Kansas” anymore, you’re right!  Americans often think Europe is an easy place to travel to because it is closer than most other continents, […]

A photo of students in a European city

How to Prepare Your Students for a Trip Abroad

Do you have an educational trip coming up, but you’re wondering how to prepare your students for a trip abroad? If you are traveling internationally with students, you will want to make sure that your

Santa Fe adobe architecture

The best Spanish class field trips in the U.S.

Are you a teacher looking to take your Spanish class on a field trip? A trip abroad to a Spanish-speaking country is the capstone experience for many students studying Spanish in high school. However, there

Museum Chicago

A Spanish class field trip to Chicago

Field trips are probably the most memorable learning experiences possible for our students, as they get to experience learning in the real world and, of course, leave school. If you live in the Midwest and

Street Art in Pilsen

Exploring Pilsen: Latino culture in Chicago

The Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago has long been known as the hub of Mexican culture in Chicago. It is a great destination for a day trip, especially for students who are studying Spanish or people

Traveling with students: 8 Tips For Staying In Hotels

Let’s face it, chaperoning an overnight trip with students can be a teacher’s worst nightmare. The potential problems are numerous: students sneaking out, boys and girls alone in each others rooms, students bothering other hotel

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