
How to get Spanish books for your classroom library

The importance of reading for language acquisition has been rediscovered recently, thanks to CI and Stephen Krashen. Whether you are a first-year teacher or a 20-year veteran that wants start a free voluntary reading program, […]

Newseum window

Why we must teach journalism and press freedom

Last year I visited the Newseum in Washington, D.C.; a museum about the news, dedicated to upholding the First Amendment, the right to free speech, press, petition, assembly, and religion. The museum started with a

Responder a lo que lees

Responding to Reading

When my students read for FVR (Free voluntary reading) in my Spanish Language Arts class, I want them to respond to what they’ve read. While some proponents of World Language FVR say that students should

Building with graffiti

Teaching about tough issues: gangs and violence

“Con todas las clases de español que tomé no eran sobre cosas tan real como eso, como la inmigración y las pandillas.  Nadie habla de eso.” “Lo que me sorprendió más sobre esta unidad es

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