Immersion and heritage learners

A photo of teachers learning in the library

World Language Professional Development for 2025

If you are a language teacher, one of the best ways to grow and improve your practice is through world language professional development. Most of the PD offerings are conferences that range from as little […]

Photo of a man with glasses and a book next to the text " How to prepare students for the AAPPL test"

How to prepare your students for the AAPPL test

If you are reading this, chances are you’re a teacher who is about to administer the AAPPL test to your students. Maybe your students are taking the test to simply measure their language proficiency. Maybe

Question mark and text that says "using logic puzzles in the language classroom"

Using Logic Puzzles in the Language Classroom

The other day a member of a teachers Facebook group asked about a fun activity for her students that was a little bit different. I thought about it for a minute and suggested she try

image of a computer with airpods

The Best Advanced Spanish Podcasts to Teach With

There are lots of podcasts out there for Spanish learners, but most of them are for beginners or are grammar-focused dialogues that don’t interest learners.  So, I decided to put together a list of my

How to get Spanish books for your classroom library

The importance of reading for language acquisition has been rediscovered recently, thanks to CI and Stephen Krashen. Whether you are a first-year teacher or a 20-year veteran that wants start a free voluntary reading program,

Newseum window

Why we must teach journalism and press freedom

Last year I visited the Newseum in Washington, D.C.; a museum about the news, dedicated to upholding the First Amendment, the right to free speech, press, petition, assembly, and religion. The museum started with a

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