Traveling with students: 8 Tips For Staying In Hotels

Let’s face it, chaperoning an overnight trip with students can be a teacher’s worst nightmare. The potential problems are numerous: students sneaking out, boys and girls alone in each others rooms, students bothering other hotel

Mountain climber

Challenges of a Secondary Dual Language Immersion Program

I’ve really been feeling the challenges of being a Dual Language Immersion (DLI) teacher lately. It’s Farch, meaning students are antsy for warmer weather, and we’re dealing with next year’s course allocation so of course,

Building with graffiti

Teaching about tough issues: gangs and violence

“Con todas las clases de español que tomé no eran sobre cosas tan real como eso, como la inmigración y las pandillas.  Nadie habla de eso.” “Lo que me sorprendió más sobre esta unidad es

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